2022 North Coast Grenache

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2022 Grenache
North Coast—California
14.6% Alcohol by Volume
218 cases produced
We love Grenache and the unique challenge it poses. A variety with wide range where each combination of vineyard site, clone, and vintage can be wildly different from the last. As a result, Grenache is a grape that flourishes with intentional, adaptive winemakig for each and every lot. It rewards this attention with an exuberance that this wine seeks to highlight.
This Grenache is a blend from two vineyards in the North Coast along with 3% Syrah and 1% mourvedre. The idea with this wine is to pursue the friendlier, more outgoing side of Grenache than what we typically find with Venturi.
Grenache is a grape that requires some winemaker input to really achive good density of character. For this wine, we prioritized freshness and levity. To accomplish that, we knew we needed to shorten our aging time to get the wine to bottle early with exuberant fruit. After cutting the aging window in half, the focus in primary fermentation shifted primary fermentation shifted from structure and color building (normally one of the hardest parts of worksing with Granche) to a more delicate balance of extraction without pulling too much tannin to get settled in one year.
We typically like to ferment Grenache in open top bins so we can mazimize skin work, but we treated this fruit more like a tank-fermented Pinto Noir or a half-effort Syrah: gentle skin work with extended skin contact and only moderate juice bleed. 
Fun, breash, quaffable, and ready for pizza night or carnitas. Enjoy now through the next 5 years. 
Note: This product is not available for purchase to South Dakota Customers.